Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Twisted pathways

I'm always on a diet. Ok, watching what I eat. Not just to avoid the stuff I'm allergic to, but to reach, what somewhere in my mind I view as, my ideal weight/look. This has never happened. Or if it did, I never realized at the time that that was my ideal. (hindsight is 20-20.....)
I'm trying to examine what I need at the current impasse, to get me motivated. Nothing rang any bells with the traditional Maslow's heirarchy, so I thought I'd try de-motivators. Guess what sprang into my mind? I'm demotivated by the lack of progress. How's that for a self-fulfilling prophecy? Shoots self in foot much? Self, drink some water and quitcherbitchin.
On the plus side, I have put some of my artwork up for sale in etsy. Once again with the twisted pathways, I realized it will never go anywhere if I don't put it out there. So I did.
Still learning after all these years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also watch what I eat.
- I look at what I eat... and then I eat it.