Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Twisted pathways

I'm always on a diet. Ok, watching what I eat. Not just to avoid the stuff I'm allergic to, but to reach, what somewhere in my mind I view as, my ideal weight/look. This has never happened. Or if it did, I never realized at the time that that was my ideal. (hindsight is 20-20.....)
I'm trying to examine what I need at the current impasse, to get me motivated. Nothing rang any bells with the traditional Maslow's heirarchy, so I thought I'd try de-motivators. Guess what sprang into my mind? I'm demotivated by the lack of progress. How's that for a self-fulfilling prophecy? Shoots self in foot much? Self, drink some water and quitcherbitchin.
On the plus side, I have put some of my artwork up for sale in etsy. Once again with the twisted pathways, I realized it will never go anywhere if I don't put it out there. So I did.
Still learning after all these years.

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Life at the Disgo

I've come up with a new description of what I do all day long - It's called Disgo. That's because I spend an amazing amount of time going "dis goes here, dis goes there". *chuckle* (In between the laundry & the list making & reading email & blogs & thinking about making art). It's how my desk gets cleaned.
To improve art-making, I've realized that just owning scads of paint is not enough - you need to know what colour they make when they hit the paper. I've cataloged all my rubber stamp inks, gel pens and alcohol inks. Now I've done my watercolour paints! In each case, there is now a happy little index sheet with all the names of the colours and a sample next to it. Whaddya know? It actually makes me want to put paint on paper. Tomorrow.