Sunday, May 24, 2009

Day 1

There's a peculiar activity I do that seems to take up most of my time. No I don't mean sleeping. It's called "cleaning my desk". Since my computer is there, & when I sit there I am surrounded by art supplies, that's where most stuff that needs to be handled gets put.
There's a peculiar dialog that plays in my head when I'm there, that goes like this. "Today I'd like to make art, but first I have to clean up my desk. *picks random object* Why is this here? Where does this go? What do I have to do so that I can put this where it belongs?" and I'm off to the races. At the end of the day, I get a lot of stuff done, amazingly enough have usually made some art and even more amazingly, have an amazing feeling of satisfaction from getting stuff done.
But oddly, there's also usually a lot of stuff on my desk. new stuff. I'll deal with it tomorrow.

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